We just had to find where it hid….Can you see it?

The End of Global Warming is Here.


Timothy C Thompson

I’m situated within the spread of eight children in the upper middle, and the oldest of four boys. My parents are made from multiple divorces, remarriages, and continued breeding habits. Being the middle child with three problematic siblings as the book ends did have advantages. I could leave for days and neither side of parental guardians nor the book ends took notice. My multiplicity of parental figures only greased the squeaky wheels and never the smoothly running hubs in the middle. I suppose they didn’t have to. What is the long-term effect? I want to think I’m self-starting, self-sufficient, and a good parent, but I’m also biased in opinion.

Raised mostly in the backcountry of Montana. At one point, I attended a school slightly larger than one room. My education, mostly, came from very diminutive resources that included hundreds of past due public and school library books with Scholastic Book fairs as an occasional carrot.

This should help

Ending Climate Changing Conditions With Mature Trees

MatureTrees.org is the world's leading sequestration science organization. We've studied sequestration's global atmospheric impact and explained it in our book, Resurrect Titans. With its release, we've begun addressing the root cause of global warming: lack of forest maturity (see below). We specialize in the preservation of forests, which are more crucial for capturing and storing carbon dioxide from the atmosphere than previously understood. Our team of experts and members work tirelessly to educate people, protect lands, and nurture the maturity of these invaluable natural resources.

We are contributing to a greener, more sustainable future with a proven strategy that ends global warming. We don't stop using forestry—we manage it with maturity for the benefit of all. To see global warming for yourself, just look below.

Why Mature Trees
matter and where it hid

At age 30

A typical tree in our global forest will remove 163 lbs. (74 kg) of carbon dioxide, CO2, from our atmosphere. It does that amount in a single growth year. But, It doesn't stop growing, does it?

At Age 70

That same tree removes a staggering 1,100 lbs. (498 kg) of CO2 in a single year of growth. Every year a tree lives their ability to use CO2 grows bigger, just like the tree. Forest's regulate Earth's atmosphere more than anything else can.

Today on Earth

There are over 3 trillion trees. 3,000,000,000 Unfortunately, up to 95% of them are immature and in a harvest rotation. Most will be harvested before age 45. The math is not difficult. It also ends global warming.

Resurrect Titans introduction video


What Our Readers are saying


How do you end Global Warming?

Step 1. Read "Resurrect Titans"

Available in eBook, paperback, and the audio book is coming soon. Use the links above. All proceeds go towards MatureTrees.org and ending global warming.


Step 2.

Resurrect Titans by spreading the knowledge and hope found within our book. Then subscribe to this site and say hello! We'll then be able to keep in touch!

Step 3.

Give what you can, even a dollar from enough people can make a difference. Like we say in the book, "with money we can fix it, without money, we can't." It's that simple.

Step 4.

Choose a membership level. Become the solution, own it, and be the better for doing so. Our membership perks will branch as we go.

Step 5, lets get working!